Ramadan 2023 Reflections #1

Ramadan 2023 Reflections #1
Photo by Josh Miller / Unsplash

In the name of God, the Merciful, the most Compassionate.

May you find these words in a state of peace. Ramadan is upon us. It has descended in stealth as the fullest moon lights the sky; the month of mercy illuminated like the sight that marks its arrival.

Ramadan is a time of returning. For those of us who have strayed away from our highest ideals it is an extended invitation; a reminder that no matter how far we feel we’ve ventured into darkness, there is no atom’s worth of space in the cosmos that the light of the Divine does not penetrate. Though Ramadan may meet us with heavy hearts and laboured limbs, there is an animating spirit tying us to that which - even if weathered to a single thread by our own destructive efforts - could never be severed.

In this month, by God’s permission, the rope is repaired and in sincerity we take hold of it with empty mouths and hungry hands. May we increase in prayer; in remembrance; in contemplation; in forgiveness; in charity; and in keeping company of those who remind us of all that is beautiful and just in the world.

May we break any addictions that hold us hostage and any habits that have kept us stagnant. May all we give up for the sake of God be replaced by something greater. May distractions lose their lustre, and focus be recharged. May gossip taste foul on our tongues and sound jarring to our ears. In this time may we furnish our character with the virtues of the righteous living among us and those who proceeded. May this month lay the foundation for those that succeed it.

May we find alignment, connection and courage; seeking refuge in none other than the Divine source, our Creator and Sustainer; finding peace in none other than the Divine’s decree.


5 Lists

There is much to consider in preparation for Ramadan. Imam Omar Suleiman’s lecture provided an excellent guide which I wanted to share for those like me who would benefit from a structured exercise for how to prioritise and systemise their efforts.

  1. To Not-Do List - specific actions to refrain from immediately
  2. To Do List - consistent deeds to do during Ramadan
  3. To Fix List - strained relationships that you will proactively work on repairing. Who do you need to forgive or seek forgiveness from? Ramadan is a time to swallow pride and take initiative in burying any ill feelings or grudges with people
  4. Quantifiable Deeds List - consistent deeds you can do after Ramadan
  5. Qualities List - read Surah Al-Mu'minun (23) v. 1-11, and Surah Al-Furqan (25) v.63-75 and note the qualities of the believers. Use this as a guide of the character traits you want to embody


I feel like Ramadan comes about just when I need it most. It's like an unexpected but pleasant visit from a friend - one who comes, ironically, as a source of nourishment. As the days pass I hope to spend more time offline, honouring my guest, but still hope to regularly journal and share my reflections when appropriate.